How to Prepare Yummy 黑豆排骨汤 Black Bean Pork Rib Soup

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黑豆排骨汤 Black Bean Pork Rib Soup. Wash meaty pork bones to remove impurities. Red dates: Wash clean & remove pits. Black Bean Peanut Spare Ribs Soup 黑豆花生排骨汤 @玩食我FoodiEatPlayground Since young, I have been drinking this black bean peanut spare ribs soup.

黑豆排骨汤 Black Bean Pork Rib Soup Black Beans w/ Pork Ribs & Chicken feet ~~ 黑豆莲藕红枣排骨汤 ~~ 好一阵子没有在这里po美食了, 想念吗? 黑豆~补肾、利水、益智、明目、乌发、活血解毒的功效。 中医认为,黑豆性平味甘,有活血清热、补虚乌发的功能。排骨也有很高的营养价值,可滋阴壮阳、益精补血。因此,喝这道黑豆排骨汤,可以补肾养血,对头发有一定的滋养. TY-TomYam Fried Bihun with Fish Chip. Lotus Root Soup with Pork Ribs and Peanuts ( 排骨莲藕汤 ) The combination of lotus root with pork ribs and peanuts is a classic Chinese soup. You can have 黑豆排骨汤 Black Bean Pork Rib Soup using 2 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of 黑豆排骨汤 Black Bean Pork Rib Soup

  1. Prepare of 黑豆 Black bean (250g).
  2. It's of 排骨 Pork rib (250g).

In Cantonese, we call lotus root soup ling ngau tong (莲藕汤). Lotus root signifies abundance and prosperity to the Chinese so this is a popular soup for many who celebrate Chinese New Year. 雪梨瘦肉汤 ~ Snow Pear with Lean Pork Soup; 排骨金瓜盅 ~ Black Bean Spare Ribs in Pumpkin Bowl; 叉烧餐包 ~ Chinese BBQ Pork Buns ( " Chan Bao " ) 五香芋角 ~ Yam Puff ( " Wu Kok " ) 口水鸡 ~ Saliva Chicken ( Mouthwatering Chicken ) 皮蛋瘦肉粥 ~ Century Egg & Pork Porridge; 豉汁蒸排骨 ~ Steamed Spare Ribs in. 今天来个香香的豆豉蒸排骨。 味道香浓,又很下饭。 这道料理凡事在点心茶楼都可以找得到。 今天用了"蒸功夫'食谱书里的做法。 我超喜欢这本书的料理。 Chinese Yam (aka Huai Shan) Sweet Corn Pork Ribs Soup is naturally sweet and nutritious. I'm a child of God and a mummy to three. I love all kinds of soups, especially Chinese soup.

黑豆排骨汤 Black Bean Pork Rib Soup step by step

  1. 隔夜浸泡黑豆 Soak black beans overnight.
  2. 汆烫排骨 Blanch pork ribs with hot water.
  3. 把排骨,黑豆,1小茶匙盐和水加入压力锅,煮20分钟 Add pork ribs, black beans, 1 teaspoon of salt and water into pressure cooker. Cook for 20mins.

Looking for food delivery menu from Food Yo Cafe - Senoko Road? Order now and get it delivered to your doorstep with GrabFood. 镶豆腐braised bean curd with ground pork. 海带结排骨汤hog rib and seaweed knot soup. 葱爆牛肉fried beef with green onion. 番瓜三丁fried pumpkin with pork and cucumber. 西芹鱿鱼fried cuttlefish with western celery. 蕃茄豆芽汤tomato and bean sprout soup. 酸甜排骨sweet and sour ribs. 香脆虾腰frisky shrimp with hog.